
kde , to KDE avatar

MBition, the company that designs and implements infotainment systems for Mercedes-Benz, has become a KDE patron.

MBition uses KDE technologies and developers' know-how to create attractive and responsive interfaces that make Mercedes vehicles easier to drive and safer for their occupants.


alfajet , avatar

@carlschwan @kde @kde this was meant to be a little rivalry joke (Merc/BMW) vs (Gnome/KDE).
Good to know though! 😀

nlsmart , avatar

@kde @kde


Congratulation to KDE

andycarolan , to random avatar

Who has most of your money?

amxmln , avatar

@andycarolan close tie between Nintendo and Valve, but I think I bought more on Steam lately. Factoring in hardware though, I’m not quite sure if Nintendo wouldn’t pull ahead. 😅

andycarolan OP , avatar

@amxmln Nintendo is definitely at the top for me. All the games + hardwares I have here... it's way more than any other platform lol.

I do have a sizeable Steam library though... much lower value however.

dailymedievalcats , to Medievodons group German avatar

Armed and dangerous.

Ms: BL, Harley 6563, f. 73r (14th c.). @medievodons

piratero ,

@dailymedievalcats @medievodons crossbow cats in attack!

jqheywood , avatar

@dailymedievalcats @medievodons This is directly relevant to my research, and I will be citing it!

InternetIsScary , to Ask Lemmy French avatar

What is something you can’t live without, technology wise that saves you time?

I have to say it’s my virtual assistant I’ve made. It saves me a lot of time with making reminders and such alarms for meetings or interviews, music etc.


RememberTheApollo_ , (edited )

I don’t know if it saves time or not, but all the ad-busting plug-ins and PiHole I have installed. I set up a VPN that I can connect to with my phone that sends the connection through the PiHole so I get to enjoy less ads on the mobile, too.

I really despise the “open” unfiltered internet. It’s become a cesspool of ads. Mobile sites that leave you with an inch to view the site as the top and bottom become cluttered with banners, autoplay ads, cookie demands, all with super tiny “x” that are designed to not register or deliberately mis-tap to open the ad. Desktop sites with full-screen ads, autoplay, etc.

Yeah. I don’t know about “can’t live without”, but ad-scrubbing and blocking is a huge necessity just to get things done and not have to deal with all the garbage being inserted between you and what you need to do.

weariedfae ,

This is stupid but I was just using it so it is on my mind: a calculator. Saves so much time and paper.

KokopelliBFree , to poetry group German avatar

we'll figure it out
let me put the kettle on
while we breathe a bit

- new tea


feritae , avatar
franciscawrites , to bookstodon group avatar

Can you name a film that was adapted not from a novel, but from a short story?
Here's one:

The Illusionist (2006)


adriano , avatar

@franciscawrites @gevoel @octothorpe @bookstodon The Foundation originally was written as a series of published short stories, at least for what then comprised the first book. I don't remember if Asimov wanted them to be a full novel from the start.

BunRab , avatar

@franciscawrites @bookstodon
2001 A Space Odyssey - "The Sentinel" by Arthur Clarke

TheVulgarTongue Bot , to histodons group avatar

HARP. To harp upon; to dwell upon a subject. Have among you, my blind harpers; an expression used in throwing or shooting at random among the crowd.

A selection from Francis Grose’s “Dictionary Of The Vulgar Tongue” (1785)


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  • 1dalm , avatar

    @TheVulgarTongue @histodons

    Love definitions for words that have the word in the definition.

    65dBnoise , to random avatar

    Mesmerizing sand

    Processed, cropped MCZ_RIGHT, FL: 63mm
    looking SSE (168°) from RMC 52.1146
    Sol 1141, LMST: 11:17:55

    Credit: /JPL-Caltech/ASU/65dBnoise

    et_alia , to mutualaid group avatar

    i have 24 hours to get 1000£ (317/1000) for rent so i dont get evicted and living costs for the month of may. so please boost/donate if you can!

    edit: i have barely had any donations and im running low on time please keep sharing and maybe send a little this way if you can!

    edit2: i havent had any donations today. please donate if you can. and share in places where it might get traction!

    please help!



    chog9 , avatar

    @et_alia @mutualaid get raped


    Simply put, my family is broke until May due to two unexpected bills. We have no food & no car, so it's hard to get anything here to begin with.
    I'm trying to get $40 so we can eat tonight. Thank you for reading, hope you're doing well. 💞
    PayPal -
    Cash App - $DanielStevens

    @MutualAidVisibility @mutualaid

    ElizabethLeeCo , to horror group avatar
    stina_marie , avatar
    mglaman , to random avatar

    I opened a DX issue for to make Drupal automatically installable with default environment variables. I'd love your feedback!

    eivind , to histodons group avatar

    OTD, 7 May, 1945, the Norwegian paper Aftenposten published literary Nobel laureate Knut Hamsun's Hitler obituray. @histodons

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  • eivind OP , avatar

    Not a popular take in Norway :)

    SimonRoyHughes , avatar

    @eivind @histodons But the cowards don't dare raise their voices when I start ranting.

    RanaldClouston , to bookstodon group avatar

    In the early 80s interviewed neurologist / author for a New Yorker piece. It was never written, due in part to Sacks vacillating about whether to out himself, and they became lifelong friends instead. Just before his 2015 death Sacks encouraged Weschler to write the story up after all. Which is a sweet story, but the book itself is mostly just a meander through transcripts of old interviews, and I can't recommend it @bookstodon

    jswilkins , avatar

    @RanaldClouston @bookstodon I get caught with those word pairs all the time. Also comprise/compose.

    janus , avatar

    @RanaldClouston @jswilkins @bookstodon Yes, I am off to get my COVID booster shot soon. I have been putting it off, and wondering whether I should or shouldn't...

    atomicpoet , to Fediverse News avatar

    So I just tried opting into (

    I found it confusing. For one thing, it asks me for my Mastodon account. Though Akkoma uses Mastodon’s API, not all sites recognize this nor support it—I don’t know if BridgyFed would reject.

    Secondly, it’s not clear how to opt in. I think I opted in but there was nothing to say “Congrats! People from can see you!”

    Also, how do I receive posts? That’s not apparent to me.


    cragsand , avatar

    @atomicpoet @fediversenews

    To enable and opt-in you follow this account:
    That will start mirroring and federate your ActivityPub account over the ATProtocol and assign a DID.

    Then the counterpart for BlueSky you follow:
    And it will start mirroring your ATProtocol account as an ActivityPub account.

    AT to AP seems more seamless since AP has more features. Truncating long posts for example looks ugly. The plan is to thread them eventually.

    mike , avatar

    @cragsand @atomicpoet @fediversenews I think it's busted. I just tried it and all I get is a code listing.

    SusannaShore , to bookstodon group avatar
    cpkimber , avatar

    @SusannaShore @bookstodon I believe it is supposed to represent ancient Vietnam and not ancient China

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